my BFGW (Big Fat Gay Wedding)

i started this blog to document the craziness leading up to my BFGW (Big Fat Gay Wedding). the wedding was in november 2008 (which, for the record, was big and gay but not all that fat), but the blog’s stuck around.

if you’re new here: HI. you don’t really need much background to enjoy lunch at 11:30, but if you want the 411 on all the shiz that went down back in the day re: the BFGW, this is a great place to start. (i suggest scrolling down, and reading your way back up. then scroll back down and hit “newer entries.”) there is no shortage of entries or drama re: the BFGW. you will laugh. you will cry.  you might just need a snack break.


here’s holly and i on our wedding day. we’ve been together almost 14 years. that’s me on the left, holly on the right.

my best ppl

here’s me and my best ppl (some of which are frequent commentors). left to right: shosh, andrew, john, nicole (moh: maid of honor), me, j.miller, jessie (aka HSW: hottie social worker), temim & love you guys!!!


ok, this is an engagement photo. but it’s cute so you know i had to throw it in. we love coffee. (holly goes for decaf, i stick w/regular. i think you’ll see hyperactive evidence of that all over this blog.)


another engagement shot, taken shortly before the presidential election in dc. i need to mention that all photos on this page were taken by the incredibly awesome wedding photog jaime windon, aka the blonde photographer.

holly and i continue to get married as states legalize same-sex marriage. read about our post-BFGW weddings here, here and here. (we even got a little press about it.)

6 responses to “my BFGW (Big Fat Gay Wedding)

  1. that’s a really hot picture jessica.

  2. joy, you’re my new bff 😉

  3. reading your blog just made my thursday morning a little better—- thanx by the way it is really funny!!!!!

  4. Jessica it was great networking with you today at the Capitol Communicators event. Your blog is funny and your pictures are beautiful.

  5. I think this is the first time i ever read this part of your blog. Awwwwww. I’m kinda touched that I’m in a photo on your blog.

  6. Just read your article in the new Baltimore Bride issue and loved it! You made me a follower =)

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